Course Overview

Click on the subject for the relevant year group in the table below to find out more information about each course.

Year 10 Photography
Year 11 Photography

Ambition for our pupils

Throughout this course pupils will have the opportunity to work on a range of hard and soft skills. The course is creative and practical. Pupils will learn how to confidently use digital cameras, edit images in design software, lead photoshoots and build a portfolio of work. Pupils will also explore a range of different media, techniques and processes, such as composition, manipulation, editing, processing, colouring and visual effects. These all mirror new technologies in industry. 

Pupils will also work collaboratively with each other, building on their communication, leadership, flexibility, team working and time management skills. Pupils will also investigate and critically analyse artists’ and photographers’ work. The course covers a range of project themes, such as landscape photography and experimental photography.  

The structure of our curriculum

The course consists of two components, similar to GCSE Art.  Component 1 is a coursework element. This makes up 60% of the final grade. Each pupil produces a portfolio of work from a series of assignments. These include recording images, looking at a range of artists and photographers and then developing ideas as a result of the research undertaken.  Component 2 contributes to 40% of the final grade. Pupils produce their own project work in response to an external exam paper. They have classroom time to produce a portfolio and then 10 hours under exam conditions.  

To take this course pupils must complete portfolio work in a sketchbook. Regular homework is set and assessed. This evidence of further study is an important part of the course and supports the work completed in class.



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