Today’s children and young people have grown up in a world that is very different from that of most parents. The range and power of information and communication technologies are extensive and developing all of the time. Many young people experience the internet and mobile phones as a positive, productive and creative part of their activities and development of their identities; always on and always there. Above all, information technologies support social activity that allows young people to feel connected to their peers.

Unfortunately, these technologies can also be used negatively by children or by others with access to technology. When children are the target of bullying or inappropriate activity, they can feel alone, misunderstood and vulnerable. They may not be able to identify that what is happening to them is, in fact, bullying or is putting them at risk. Previously safe and enjoyable environments and activities can become threatening and a source of anxiety.

At Sawston Village College we take the issue of cyberbullying and internet safety extremely seriously and have in place policies and procedures to protect young people from the negative aspects of using new technologies. This is a whole school community issue – and only by working in partnership can parents and the College reduce the risks associated with the internet, mobile phones and other ICT based communication.

The aim of this section is to provide parents with advice and guidance relating to internet safety and cyberbullying, and to provide links to other agencies who are able to support parents and pupils who are concerned about the impact of new technologies.

Guidance From the Police:

NSPCC: Keeping children safe on-line

Internet matters: parental controls

Government guidance: Child safety on-line

UK Safer Internet Centre:


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