Course Overview

Click on the subject for the relevant year group in the table below to find out more information about each course.

Year 7 Drama
Year 8 Drama
Year 9 Drama
Year 10 Drama
Year 11 Drama


Drama embodies the power of communication: the preservation of oral speech; story-telling; empathy; and an understanding of others’ life stories, across cultures and throughout time. It encourages a recognition of the self and how individuals conduct their different selves in different environments and in different roles. The studio is a stage on which to play, create, explore, experiment and learn. It can send our pupils out into the world with insight, perception, curiosity and tolerance.

Ambition for our pupils

First and foremost, our aim is to equip pupils with a set of skills to communicate a role (voice, physicality, expression, language and emotional awareness). Through self-reflection, peer review, group work and engagement with texts and the voices of others, we hope to raise their self-awareness and broaden their cultural horizons. They need to appreciate the power of every action that they take and every line that they deliver; to recognise that they will always have an ‘audience’ that will observe, reflect and feel as a result of their actions.

The structure of our curriculum

All pupils study Drama at key stage 3. It can be taken as a GCSE option at key stage 4.

The programme of study is structured around the development of five core performance skills: 

  1. Voice
  2. Physicality
  3. Space and Interaction
  4. Language
  5. Emotional Awareness

In addition, pupils learn how to interpret and develop scripts and texts and how to evaluate their own performances and the performances of others.


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