Looking after our Staff

All decisions are made with regard to how they affect colleagues’ workload. When introducing any new policy that is subject to governor approval, under a practice instigated by SLT, the College is required to consider the impact on workload.  Workload is a matter of routine consideration at SLT meetings.  The co-development of new policy and practices, involving subject leaders and the Excellent Teaching Team, helps to ensure that diverse voices are heard, and workload is always factored into decision making.  Formal reviews of workload are typically held annually, and surveying of staff is routine; it is common for there to be various recommendations that are acted upon each year, helping to refine ways of working and simplify practice where possible.    

Colleagues can request support for their own or others’ wellbeing via their line manager or, as is more often the case, through another trusted colleague.  The Principal and the College’s Director of Safeguarding, Welfare and Pastoral Support are able to signpost colleagues to appropriate support in addition to offering in-school support as required. 

You may also find the sites listed below useful if you feel you need to seek mental health support.  The mind plan quiz takes less than a minute and offers some easy practical advice at the end.

Mental health awareness

BBC Headroom 

NHS stress and anxiety


Education support helpline

Every mind matters

Mind plan quiz

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