A Varied Menu

Catering services at Sawston Village College are provided by Innovate. You can find details of what is available in the downloads section below. 

Cashless Payment

The school uses cashless catering and online payment systems, for the convenience of pupils, parents and the College. Amongst other benefits, parents and carers can see what food their children have bought each day and do not need to ensure that their children have cash with them each morning. This means that, at the till, pupils use a fingerprint scanner as part of our biometric system, or their pupil card. Parents and carers can pay money into their children’s accounts using the WisePay online payments system, with alternatives available if this is not possible. 

Free School Meals

To check if you are eligible for Free School Meals, please follow the link below and complete the application form. https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals.



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