Assessment, Recording and Reporting
You can find advice here on how to interpret reports you may receive from within the College, as well as other supporting information. Please also see the downloads section below. The Year 7 Parents Information Evening presentation is also available in the downloads section.
GO4SCHOOLSGo4Schools is accessible by parents and pupils. This is where you will find a range of data, including assessment grades, reports and pupil credit scores. Online Learning and Information for Parents and Sawston Village College Parents: Go4Schools parent accounts will be automatically created using the contact email address which you have given to the school. The password for the account can be received from the following link: Go4Schools. Enter your email address in the “First-time User?” box and then you will be emailed a password which you will reset on your first login. If you experience any issues accessing your account, please email |
Grades for all pupils are based on the 9-1 GCSE grades, but using fine grades to indicate how secure the pupil is at each grade. Three extra grades have been added at the lower end (W-, W and W+) so that progress can be demonstrated for those pupils who are still ‘Working towards’ GCSE criteria. The progression grid below demonstrates how pupils may be expected to progress over time.
A Minimum Grade is set for each pupil. During Years 7, 8 and 9 it is set for the end of the year. Once pupils reach Years 10 and 11 the Minimum Grade is for the end of the course. The Minimum Grade represents the progress your child should make if they were in the top 20% of schools. It is a challenging benchmark based on national data. It is referred to as a Minimum Grade as this is the grade that we want pupils to meet or exceed by the end of the year or course. The Minimum Grade for the end of year or course should be compared to the Estimated Grade, which is input by subject teachers. If a pupil’s Estimated Grade is equal to or above the Minimum Grade, then they are making good or excellent progress.
Art, Music and PE
No Minimum Grade is set in Year 7. Minimum grades in Year 8 and Year 9 are based on the pupils’ attainment in that subject the previous year.
As most pupils have not studied a language prior to joining Sawston Village College, Minimum Grades are set lower than other subjects to begin with and progress more rapidly than the grid above suggests.