Different tiers of provision

We operate different tiers of provision for remote learning, depending on the specific circumstances. Typical arrangements are as follows:

1. Where school is open but individual pupils are absent for COVID-related reasons, work is provided by class teachers for the lessons missed. Work is set on Satchel:One, as “classwork” as opposed to homework. Each day, we check our COVID-related absences and then work is made available by 10am the following day for all five lessons. Where pupils are well enough, they should complete this work and any homework set during the period of absence.

2. Where school is open for most pupils, but we have larger scale absences (e.g. whole classes, whole year groups), or if school is closed for most pupils, we offer a blend of the above provision plus live online lessons. In these cases, the work is available on the day of absence. Details will be provided through Satchel:One. With live lessons, we typically follow the pattern of the school day, with some variation for logistical reasons and to provide breaks from screen time.

For all year groups, we continue to offer a full timetable and endeavour to teach the full curriculum. This is not always possible, however, particularly for practical learning, so suitable alternative work is set in such cases.

Teachers are contactable by email for advice if needed. Teachers will specify if and how work should be submitted. Typically this would be through google classroom or by completing work in books and handing them in on return. Feedback is provided in line with normal school policies as far as possible, including verbal feedback during live lessons and individual or whole class feedback on submitted work where appropriate.

In the case of longer-term absence, our SEND team will offer additional support for individual pupils.

If pupils need additional work, we encourage use of Seneca Learning, MathsWatch, Oak National Academy and any other subject-specific online resources that pupils are familiar with. Pupils routinely use MathsWatch. If they do not have a Seneca Learning account, they should create one using their school email address. Oak National Academy does not require a login to access the materials.

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