Year 8 Rugby Success
Well done to the Rugby Squad
A superb result by our Year 8 boys rugby squad who went on to beat St Bedes 11-4 on 4 October 2023. We had strong attacking plays which led to multiple players succeeding in scoring plenty of tries and demonstrating a class performance all round. Our man of the match was Flynn Darby, who drove plenty attempts into the opposition’s built up defence. With Oscar Karpuk (5), Flynn Darby (3), Humphrey White – Captain (2) and Pablo Bidston (1) all contributing to the scoreboard, it gives great confidence for the next set of fixtures we are set to play. This reflects well on the hard work and commitment to representing Sawston Village College through the school’s training at our after school sessions.

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New Road, Sawston, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 3BP