Pastoral Support
Sawston Village College prides itself on its unique pastoral structure, which allows for high quality, holistic pastoral care.
Each pupil is part of a small mentor group, comprising pupils from all year groups, and overseen by two mentors. At least one of the mentors is a teacher with the other mentors coming from our wide range of senior, support and operational staff. Mentors are the first point of contact for pastoral support for both parents and pupils.
Each year group is supported by a Year Lead, all of whom are non-teaching staff. This unique structure allows for the growth and sustainability of a strong partnership between College and families.
The College employs a former police sergeant who works as part of the College’s pastoral team, offering support and guidance that complements the work of the Year Leads. We also have access to on-site counselling through Centre 33, as well as the mentoring input of the Shelford and Stapleford Youth Initiative.
Where necessary the pastoral team works very closely with additional agencies, such as Young Carers, CAMHS and GPs, to support children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. We work closely too with the Local Authority and associated agencies as needed.
The College’s inclusion unit offers pastoral support for a small cohort of pupils who may find school or circumstances outside of school challenging, and the College’s Student Centre offers pastoral support for those children with an Education Health Care Plan, or who are identified with a Special Educational Need, or Disability (SEND).