Homework - frequency and expectations

There is no set homework timetable. Instead, the typical duration and frequency information below will give you a sense of the volume of homework pupils can expect to receive.


Homework is typically expected to take approximately the following amount of time, per subject, per homework:

Year 7:  15 – 45 minutes

Year 8 and 9:  30 – 60 minutes

Years 10 and 11:  30 – 90 minutes


Your child should expect to receive homework from subjects as follows:

  • Pupils will typically be given at least two clear school nights between the day homework is set and the day it is due in.
  • Unless pupils, with good reason, request an extension before the deadline, no extensions for homework will be permitted without a legitimate note from a parent.
  • Teachers may refuse to accept sub-standard homework that shows a lack of effort – e.g. work that is brief, incomplete or messy.  Such unsatisfactory homework may be treated the same as though a pupil had not done the work at all.
  • Absence from the lesson when homework was set is not an excuse for non-submission on time, unless pupils genuinely could not do the work without having been in the lesson.  Pupils are expected to check satchel:one, speak with peers and speak with their teachers to catch-up.

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