Cambs Youth COP27
Our delegation of 12 pupils participated in the Cambridgeshire Youth COP27, which we hosted and organised, and were joined by young people from 13 other schools, meaning there were over 190 delegates in attendance. As well as having a lovely lunch, pupils were inspired by the keynote speech by Dr Simon Morley, who heads off to Antarctica next to continue his British Antarctic Survey research. They also took part in a mock COP27 debate – roleplaying countries and trying to reach consensus – and workshops designed to encourage greener spaces and sharing ideas for future collaboration and commitments. Each school also planted a tree on site as part of our wider plan to plant 150 trees this term. Pupils learned that reaching consensus is very difficult, but they did agree to a region-wide Eco Council and for each school to take back some clever environmental ideas to their own schools to share with their peers and put into action.
To share the environmental work we are doing at Sawston Village College, we have recently set up up a ‘Going Greener’ page on our website which you can find here.

01223 712777
New Road, Sawston, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 3BP