2024 Exhibition of Adult Learners' Work

We are delighted to present ‘Earth & Water’, our forthcoming exhibition of Adult Learners’ work in Ceramics and Watercolour Painting. This public exhibition will take place in the Walnut Gallery (next to the main reception) on Wednesday, 3 July (5.00pm-8.00pm).  Refreshments will be available, so please pop in for a cup of tea, a slice of cake and to see some amazing artwork; we would love to see you! Everyone is welcome.

For more information about our Adult Learning programme, visit our website: www.sawstonadultlearning.org, email: community@sawstonvc.org, or phone: 01223 712424.




01223 712777


New Road, Sawston, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 3BP

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