A dedicated library website
Sawston Village College Library is open at break and lunchtimes and is a popular place to access a wide range of resources, including books, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, computers, comic books and reference books.
Access to the library is available 24/7 via our dedicated library website here.
You can browse as a guest, and pupils can log into the website using their Microsoft sign on (the sign on used to access school computers). They can search the catalogue, create their own reading lists and see lists created for them by teachers, reserve books that are currently on loan, locate books easily within the library, write reviews and leave star ratings.
They can also find their Top Twenty reading lists, an exciting selection of fiction carefully chosen for each year group. They will be able to find out about each book, see how many copies are in the library and where to find them. Pupils can also borrow ebooks via the website, perfect for holiday reading. They simply need to search for a title and click ‘borrow’. They can download the text to their device to read offline, and they can adjust the font, colour and text size to help them read more comfortably.
Pupils can also borrow and read ebooks via our app – instructions for this are on the library website.
Pupils are welcomed to the library through a library induction in Year 7 and are given their own library cards which allow them to take out two books at a time.
We have a wonderful group of pupil librarians who help out at lunchtimes and we are always looking for more volunteers.